Doubtful transfer of XRP crypto: Bitfinex narrowly escapes a bloody attack

Mon 15 Jan 2024 ▪ 2 min of reading ▪ by Mikaia A. Article native advertising
Getting informed Cybersecurity

Tether and Bitfinex are the last ones to hold ‘old crypto’ after all these collapses. Please, don’t fail in 2024 and spoil the party for everyone.” This is the comment left by a crypto-NFT investor under the post of Paolo Ardoino when he tweeted about the thwarted attack against Bitfinex yesterday. But what really happened on the side of this exchange? Explanations!

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A $15 Billion Thwarted XRP Hack

De.Fi company claimed to have tallied about $2 billion worth of hacked cryptocurrencies in 2023. Even though this figure represents only half of the amount stolen in 2022, we can agree that hackers are not ready to leave the crypto industry in peace.

Thwarted hacking attempt on Bitfinex

Based on tweets from Whales Alert and Paolo Ardoino, CEO of Tether and CTO of Bitfinex, Cointelegraph provided details on the Bitfinex hacking attempt that took place last January 14th. To achieve his ends, the hacker had to use this kind of trickery: he had resorted to the XRP partial payment function using an anonymous wallet.

If successful, he could have siphoned the crypto XRP equivalent of $15 billion. Fortunately, Blockchain Tracking, through its X Whale Alert account, was able to smell the ruse in time. Its tweet reporting a transaction of 25.6 billion XRP, nearly half of the total circulating supply, was deleted due to misunderstandings with the Ripple node.

This Whale Alert tweet has been retracted.

Someone tried to attack Bitfinex through ‘Partial Payments Exploit’. The attack failed because Bitfinex properly manages the ‘delivered_amount’ data field,” Paolo Ardoino posts despite the deletion of the initial Whale Alert post.

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Mikaia A. avatar
Mikaia A.

La révolution blockchain et crypto est en marche ! Et le jour où les impacts se feront ressentir sur l’économie la plus vulnérable de ce Monde, contre toute espérance, je dirai que j’y étais pour quelque chose


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