crypto for all

End-user licence aggrement

The General Terms and Conditions regarding the use of the Website

ARTICLE 1: Subject

The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions is to provide a legal framework for the use of the Website and its services.

This contract is concluded between:

The company Coinmedia SA, the owner of the website, hereinafter referred to as “the Publisher”,

Any natural or legal person wishing to access the Website and its services, hereinafter referred to as “the User”.

The General Terms and Conditions must be accepted by any User, and access to the Website constitutes acceptance of these conditions.


In these General Terms and Conditions, it is agreed that the following expressions or words, whether used in the singular or in the plural, will have the following meaning:

  • “Article”: has the meaning defined in ‘Article 3’ of this document.
  • “Blockchain”: signifies a technology for storing and transmitting information, in a transparent and secure manner, operating without a central control body, applied in particular to cryptocurrencies.
  • “Cryptocurrency”: means a currency usable on a decentralised computer network, peer-to-peer, based on the principles of cryptography and which integrates the User into the process of issuing and settling transactions.
  • “Guide”: has the meaning defined in ‘Article 3’ of this document.
  • “Market Capitalisation”: has the meaning defined in ‘Article 3’ of this document.
  • “Publication”: means any publication, in the form of text, figures, images, videos, graphics, tables, etc., available on the Website, including in particular the Articles and Guides defined in ‘Article 3’ of this document.
  • “Services”: means access by the User to all the information published on the Website (including Articles, Guides, hypertext links, texts, images, videos and all the distinguishing marks, brands and logos constituting its graphic charter and associated databases).

ARTICLE 2: Legal Notice

COINMEDIA SA is a public limited company with a share capital of CHF 100,000, located at 100 avenue de Tourbillon, 1950 Sion, registered in the Commercial Register of Central Valais under the number 484 909 125. Represented by Frédéric Bonelli.

ARTICLE 3: Access to services

The User of the Website has access to the following services:

In particular, the Website offers the User access Publications, including:

  • “Articles”: any article relating to current topics concerning the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency ecosystem around the world.
  • “Guides”: online guides containing information, in particular a glossary and technical explanations relating to the Blockchain and all types of cryptocurrencies and the tools enabling their use.
  • The prices of Cryptocurrency and their Market Capitalisation: give access to the price of Cryptocurrency in real time on the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency markets.

Any User with an internet connection can access the Website for free and from anywhere. The costs incurred by the User to access it (internet connection, computer equipment, etc.) are not the responsibility of the Publisher.

The following services are only accessible to the User if they are a member of the Website (that is to say, they are identified using their login details):

  • Newsletter subscription 
  • Online access to archives from your member’s area
  • ‘Favourite’ articles saved on your account

The Website and its various services may be interrupted or suspended by the Publisher, in particular during maintenance, without notice or justification.

ARTICLE 4: The Liability of the User

The User is responsible for the risks associated with the use of their username and password.

The User’s password must be kept secret. In the event of password disclosure, the Publisher relinquishes all responsibility.

The User assumes full responsibility for the use they make of the information and content on the Website.

Any use of the service by the User directly or indirectly resulting in damage must be compensated for in benefit of the Website.

The Website allows Users to submit content on the Website in the Readers’ Column or by filling out the “Become an editor” form.

The User agrees to keep comments respectful of others and of the law and accepts that these publications will be moderated or refused by the Publisher, without obligation of justification.

By publishing on the Website, the User transfers to the publisher the non-exclusive and free right to represent, reproduce, adapt, modify, distribute and distribute their publication, directly or through an authorised third party.

However, the Publisher undertakes to cite the member when using their publication.

ARTICLE 5: The Liability of the Publisher

The Publisher cannot be held liable for any malfunction of the server or the network.

Likewise, the Website cannot be held liable in the event of force majeure or the unforeseeable and insurmountable fact of a third party.

The Website undertakes to implement all necessary means to guarantee the security and confidentiality of data. However, it does not provide a guarantee of total security.

The Publisher reserves the right to not guarantee the reliability of the sources, although the information published on the Website is deemed reliable.

ARTICLE 6: Intellectual Property

The publishing company is the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights relating to the brand, the structure and the content of the Website.

The contents of the Website are intended for strictly personal, private and non-collective use, without restriction, for the free content. The same goes for RSS feeds and newsletters.

Any use in a professional or commercial context or any marketing of this content to third parties is prohibited, except with the express consent of the publisher

ARTICLE 7: Personal Data

Please see the Privacy PolicyPersonal Data Policy and Cookies Policy.

ARTICLE 8: Hypertext Links

The domains to which the hypertext links on the Website lead are not the responsibility of the Publisher, which has no control over these links.

The Publisher has set up partnerships with service providers and may offer the User information concerning other Websites and/or services, for example by the mention of website addresses, and/or by the presence of hypertext links to these Websites.

These hypertext links redirecting to third-party Sites were not developed by The Publisher and do not belong to it. The Publisher therefore assumes no responsibility for these Websites, their content, advertising, products or services available on or from these Websites. Furthermore, the Publisher cannot be held responsible for the information, opinions and recommendations formulated by these third parties.

The Publisher cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss, proven or alleged, consecutive or in connection with the use, or with the fact of having trusted the content, goods or services available on these partner services or external sources.

The decision to activate these links is the full and entire responsibility of the User.

The Publisher is not responsible for the availability of these Websites and cannot control their content or validate the advertising, products and other information posted on these websites.

It is possible for a third party to create a link to a page on the Website without the express permission of the publisher.

ARTICLE 9: Special warning

Regarding links to websites allowing financial investments:

The User acknowledges and accepts without reservation the full responsibility for any action taken after reading a Publication and in general any information present on the Website.

The provision of this data cannot be equated, in any way whatsoever, to specific advice from a professional or to assistance in taking a decision.

The User is fully aware of the random nature and of the risk taken by them if they decide to make any type of investment of a financial nature after reading the information and publications found on the Website. They retain full and entire responsibility.

ARTICLE 10: Amendments to the Terms and Conditions of use

The Website reserves the right to modify the clauses of these general conditions of use at any time and without justification.

ARTICLE 11: Duration of the contract

The duration of this contract is indefinite. The contract becomes effective with regard to the User from the start of use of the service.

ARTICLE 12: Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

The original language of these Terms and Conditions is French and will prevail over all translated versions, English or otherwise.

This contract is based on French law.

In the event of a dispute not resolved amicably between the User and the Publisher, the courts of Paris will settle the dispute.