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Ethereum Dencun Officially Activated: The Upgrade Available on All Testnets!

Wed 28 Feb 2024 ▪ 3 min of reading ▪ by Eddy S.
Getting informed Event

The Ethereum Foundation has just announced the successful launch of the Dencun upgrade across all blockchain testnets. This major technical milestone foreshadows the imminent deployment of Dencun on the main Ethereum crypto network, scheduled for March 13, 2024.

Ethereum Crypto

An Upgrade Anticipated by the Crypto Community

This news was met with enthusiasm by all fans of Ethereum crypto. Developers and users of the blockchain have been eagerly awaiting the activation of Dencun. This marks a significant advancement for the network.

This upgrade indeed introduces “proto-danksharding” through EIP-4844. In concrete terms, this feature allows layer 2 scaling solutions, known as rollups, to incorporate “blobs” of ephemeral data on the nodes of this crypto. The goal is to drastically reduce transaction costs on the layer 2 networks! And therefore, to make Ethereum much more scalable.

The success of Dencun’s deployment on the testnets demonstrates the ongoing involvement of Ethereum developers to improve the blockchain. However, despite a challenging macroeconomic context in 2024, the community remains committed to this open-source project.

Towards Deployment on the Mainnet

Now that the upgrade has been proven on test networks, nothing seems to stand in the way of its activation on the main chain. Therefore, March 13 is the official date according to the Ethereum Foundation.

In order for the transition to occur smoothly, node operators and crypto validators will need to update their client software to a version compatible with Dencun. Technical guides are available to assist them in this procedure.

In terms of governance, this upgrade has been approved through the usual EIP and multi-client testing processes. Coordination between various development teams has enabled a seamless deployment on the testnets. A technical feat that suggests a smooth transition to the mainnet.

A Step Further Towards Ethereum 2.0

With the activation of the Dencun upgrade, Ethereum continues its march forward towards its 2.0 vision. This colossal project ultimately aims to completely replace the current infrastructure with a new, much more scalable, and efficient proof-of-stake blockchain.

Dencun is one of the crucial “milestones” on this roadmap. Moreover, these progressive improvements allow Ethereum to remain competitive against new challengers, all while preparing its metamorphosis towards Ethereum 2.0.

With the successful launch of Dencun on the testnets, Ethereum crypto crosses a major symbolic threshold. The long-awaited upgrade is approaching its launch on the main blockchain scheduled for March 13, 2024.

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Eddy S.

Le monde évolue et l'adaptation est la meilleure arme pour survivre dans cet univers ondoyant. Community manager crypto à la base, je m'intéresse à tout ce qui touche de près ou de loin à la blockchain et ses dérivés. Dans l'optique de partager mon expérience et de faire connaître un domaine qui me passionne, rien de mieux que de rédiger des articles informatifs et décontractés à la fois.


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