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Understanding the basics of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies: five days of free courses by Roxane

Wed 20 Jan 2021 ▪ 6 min of reading ▪ by Administrateur Cointribune

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies: everyone is talking about them and you’ve probably heard about them through series like The Simpsons, The Big Bang Theory or Mr. Robot (and even Altered Carbon!). All the same, this subject is still quite vague for vast majority. Even if you, the reader, may be clued up about crypto,  your friends, loved ones, spouse or parents may not.

Cryptocurrencies (and especially the technology behind them: the blockchain) are akin to a real revolution. Some experts even compare crypto to a fourth industrial revolution, while others think we are reliving the years just before the great internet boom. In other words: the arrival of a technology that will completely change our way of life!

That’s why today is the perfect moment to look further into crypto. It is time to understand the why and how, and to break down stereotypes. Ultimately, that’s why I suggest that you have a look at a free mini-course that starts on 12th May 2020.

A message from the editor-in-chief: Today, TheCoinTribune is hosting a special guest. It is a pleasure to present Roxane, who is here to talk about her new initiative: free and unconditional advice to anyone who wants to learn the basics of Bitcoin, the blockchain and crypto over five days. We assure you that it doesn’t have a catch. No one will try to push a sale, referral or pyramid scheme: you can go and learn without fear.

The need for education and information on Bitcoin and crypto

A recent survey asked: “have you ever heard of cryptocurrencies and what do you think about them?” 50% of respondents were curious about crypto, while 50% said they had already heard of crypto and thought it’s a scam.

My goal is to offer a free five-day course in which I explain in plain English – in other words, without technical or geeky terms – what I’ve learned about crypto and why I’m so excited about it.

The idea is to raise awareness (not to make you a technical expert) and say, “Look, everyone, what’s happening right under your nose, you need to take this seriously and at the very least get informed. You need to understand our economic system and why it is collapsing; you have to realise that there are alternatives and that YOU have the power to change the world by deciding whether or not to use them.

Even if money is the biggest curse in the world, we still need it to live. One of the reasons for this problem is centralisation, so… let’s decentralise! Almost half of humanity does not have access to financial services, let’s change that! What about the countries that turn on the money printer to favour big companies over their people? This should stop!”

A mother… and crypto addict

I’m a stay-at-home mum, in other words, I don’t have technical or financial knowledge and yet, when I understood the impact that the blockchain was going to have on our lives and how cryptocurrencies could positively impact the world, I wanted to share my knowledge and motivate others to look into them.

As a native French speaker, I have a strong desire to raise awareness of crypto among as many Francophones as possible. I had the chance to present a series of educational videos in French about a cryptocurrency called Dash, and then I went on to join the Dash Force News team, a media outlet that promotes this cryptocurrency (which I believe in, but would never force anyone to buy).

Prior to that, I had the chance to join the Utopian team, the first platform where people were rewarded for their contribution to an open-source project, but which has now shut down. I also wrote a book about the Steem blockchain and have given a few lectures on all these different topics.

I was blown away by the crypto space, but having gone through it before you, I also know how scary it can be. So having someone to help you take your first steps (give you pointers, warning, etc.) is valuable.

On the other hand, I would never tell you whether you should invest in a specific cryptocurrency. I do not give financial or investment advice and the information contained in this course is for educational, awareness and information purposes ONLY.

Five days of free training on Bitcoin and crypto

If you’re curious, join me on 12th May 2020 for the first day the course!

I will send you one email per day over the following five days, which you can read through when you have a moment. These emails will not be very long and will not go into details – they will just touch on the various points that I think are important:

  • Day one: Why you should be interested in cryptocurrencies
  • Day two: Bitcoin vs banks
  • Day three: Trading vs. HODLing
  • Day four: How to buy bitcoin (and altcoins)
  • Day five: How to earn cryptocurrency without an upfront investment

And as a bonus, you can send me any questions, which I will answer personally. To register, click here.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

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Administrateur Cointribune

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this article belong solely to the author, and should not be taken as investment advice. Do your own research before taking any investment decisions.