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ShareRing is Now an Official Company Supporter of

Wed 01 Mar 2023 ▪ 4 min of reading ▪ by La Rédaction C. Press Release
Getting informed Blockchain is a social organization that helps people who don’t have access, get access to the internet. This step enables them towards socio-economic development such as education, attaining digital literacy, accessing healthcare information, and meeting other necessities. 

ShareRing is now partnering with to help underserved communities gain access to the Internet

ShareRing has announced that it is now an official company supporter of and provides its digital identity security solution to help people make their first online experience secure.

ShareRing’s digital identity solutions can help people secure their digital identities with blockchain-based technology. Digital identities are established using physical identification like Government IDs. Then these are converted to digital credentials using a blockchain-based decentralized network. Interestingly, an individual’s data never leaves their device, which adds to additional security. The data is stored in ShareVault, a secured storage solution inside the ShareRing app. 

Verification is even more effortless in the ShareRing app. A blockchain-based verification enables people to merely enter an address and verify someone’s credentials in a few seconds.

ShareRing works on the principle of making digital identification as frictionless as possible. With the partnership with, ShareRing strives to give back to society the power of blockchain-based identification, which was only limited to privileged individuals till now.

Both ShareRing and are highly optimistic about their partnership. Commenting on this development, Stewart Smith, Global Head of Sales and Marketing at ShareRing, comments,

 “We are excited to be supporting and embark on this journey together to create a more connected and accessible digital world.  Opportunities can be limitless on the internet, and for the communities we support, it all begins with providing the basic necessities for internet access and digital identities.”

Likewise, CCO and Co-Founder Mea Thompson shared that blockchain-based identity verification could help refugee safety and help frictionless access to education and other life-changing opportunities.

ShareRing is now partnering with to help underserved communities gain access to the Internet.
ShareRing is now partnering with to help underserved communities gain access to the Internet – Source: ShareRing

About ShareRing 

ShareRing is a digital identity solution to prevent identity theft which has been a menace in the digital world. There were more than 1.4 Million reports on identity theft in the USA alone in 2021. Similarly, more than 20% of people have suffered identity fraud in Europe in the last few years.

It has a blockchain-based decentralized platform that helps you establish your online credentials and allow others to verify them easily. Further, the documents used for authentication are also present only on your device, and the data is never shared with anyone else. 

All these solutions have been secured using blockchain technology. ShareRing uses its own blockchain ShareLedger, which further adds to security. You can view the latest information and user guides on the ShareRing Blog.

About is a social organization that helps underprivileged communities and individuals get their first internet access. It works on the principle that the internet is a basic necessity, as described by the United Nations way back in 2011.

The purpose is to connect refugees, students, women, and under-served communities with the internet to enable them to secure their financial needs, access healthcare information, and perform necessary activities. Further, with the internet, they would easily know about government schemes that will benefit them.’s ultimate goal is to help more than 3 Billion unconnected people get unrestricted access to the internet.

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La Rédaction C.

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