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Wecan Group launches its Public Presale - Interview with its founder Vincent Pignon

Thu 14 Sep 2023 ▪ 6 min of reading ▪ by Luc Jose A.
Getting informed Blockchain

Between the launch of Wecan Comply V2 and receiving yet another award at the Wealth Briefing Awards, Wecan Group is on the rise. Let’s delve into their decision to implement the WECAN token for their products in this interview with Vincent Pignon, CEO and founder of Wecan Group.

Picture of Vincent Pignon from Wecan
  1. Wecan is one of the industry leaders, named the best European blockchain solution with over 100 institutional clients. Why did you decide to conduct a public presale?

Wecan is indeed one of the most institutional players in the blockchain space. With over 100 clients among leading private banks, financial intermediaries, notaries, and luxury hotels, we are not disrupting but co-creating Web3 solutions.

Since our launch in 2015, we’ve conducted extensive work to consistently provide the best blockchain infrastructure to our clients. As part of a research and development project with Professor Rachid Gueraoui from EPFL, where we compared blockchains in terms of scalability, energy consumption, and security, we developed a hybrid, public-private infrastructure that harnesses the full potential of blockchain while safeguarding our clients’ confidentiality.

Our Public Presale serves one primary purpose: selling access to our technological infrastructure. For instance, for our secure instant messaging solution, Wecan Connect, the cost is 1 token per sent message. This solution has already been adopted by Michel Reybier Group hotels like La Réserve, for 1k, where they send over a million messages, showing it has proven its value.

  1. So the WECAN token is a utility token. How can one purchase it?

Indeed, we published our White Paper in December 2021, obtained approval from the Swiss financial regulator in early 2022, and received a tax ruling in mid-2023.

This allowed us to announce, during the event we co-host, Web3Connect, the launch of our public presale with our partner Mt Pelerin.

The presale will last for 2 months and offers a token price of 0.00085, whereas the minimum listing price will be 0.001.

The minimum purchase amount is 100 tokens, and tokens will be distributed directly.

We are very excited to offer this opportunity to our clients and community, especially considering we already have a suite of products used daily by global leaders in their respective fields, with thousands of transactions.

  1. You have two products, Wecan Comply and Wecan Connect. Can you tell us more about the expected volume of token transactions?

Certainly, today we are seeing thousands of monthly transactions, which will require corresponding purchases on the markets. The growth is exponential, and we provide full transparency by publishing our usage figures on our website.

For Wecan Comply, we are opening up unlimited use cases, and with the standardization initiated by our clients, this trend is accelerating daily, as you can see:


As for Wecan Connect, the reference point is the volume of transactions in instant messaging. WhatsApp, for instance, sees 100 billion messages sent daily. Our aim is not to replace WhatsApp, but for all communications requiring security, privacy, and compliance, they will be conducted through Wecan Connect. My belief is that instant messaging will become the primary channels for recording on the blockchain, similar to what Chat GPT has done with AI.

wecan connect
  1. Given your traction, isn’t there a risk that excessive demand could hinder the adoption of your products due to their high cost?

Today, during the Public Presale, the token is priced at 0.00085. Upon listing, it will be at a minimum of 0.001. Considering the adoption of our products, we can indeed anticipate an increase in price, especially since the circulating token supply will be limited, and our professional clients pay 1 token per sent message.

To illustrate, this equates to 1 token for 1,000 messages, which is very competitive today, especially compared to competitors like Docusign.

We have anticipated the point where the token price might become a barrier to product usage and will adjust our pricing accordingly. For example, if the token is at 1 cent, we will not ask for 1 token per transaction but rather 0.1 token. These decisions will be made in consultation with our token holders, whom we will also engage in prioritizing our developments and markets.

  1. You are also implementing user loyalty mechanisms, such as SocialFi. Could you tell us more about this?

Yes, Web3 offers unprecedented opportunities that we are exploring with great interest. We have a message and earn program, where the more you use Wecan Connect, the more messages you receive, and the more tokens you earn. The same goes for referrals; for each person you refer, you will earn tokens.

**You can access our open-source work through this link: Vite App

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Luc Jose A. avatar
Luc Jose A.

Graduated from Sciences Po Toulouse and holder of a blockchain consultant certification issued by Alyra, I joined the Cointribune adventure in 2019. Convinced of the potential of blockchain to transform many sectors of the economy, I committed to raising awareness and informing the general public about this ever-evolving ecosystem. My goal is to enable everyone to better understand blockchain and seize the opportunities it offers. Every day, I strive to provide an objective analysis of the news, decipher market trends, relay the latest technological innovations, and put the economic and societal issues of this ongoing revolution into perspective.


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